Indiana Council of Deliberation
Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, PHA
Northern Jurisdiction, USA, Inc.
Orient of Indiana
Commanders of the Rite (COTR)
The Commanders of the Rite for the Orient of Indiana is composed of learned Grand Inspectors General of all grades. They exist to provide guidance and wise counsel to consistories and the council of deliberation in the state.
The Indiana COTR functions to assist the consistories in the application and implementation of the true meaning of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Other functions are to maintain a broad avenue of charitable programs and to produce workshops for sublime princes in order that they may better understand Scottish Rite Masonry. Another very important function is to offer assistance to the respective Consistory in fund raising projects and programs for the purpose of charity.
The Indiana COTR is active in their communities by volunteering to perform various civic services thereby demonstrating to the citizenry that Scottish Rite Masons are civic minded men of honor and good moral character. Together, along with Consistories, they work to achieve the vision of the Scottish Rite particularly in communities across the Orient of Indiana. With the practical application of the principles of the Scottish Rite being of the utmost importance, the Indiana COTR often engages in missions to meet the objectives of the Rite.
SGIG Carl L. Drummer
President Commanders of the Rite
Orient of Indiana
Vice Presidents of Valleys,
Orient of Indiana
ILL. Ted Siddle
Constantine No. 25
ILL. Cameron Foreman
Malta No. 34
ILL. Ray Clardy
St. John's No. 54
SGIG Richard Watson
Marion No. 60
ILL. George Clark
Magic City No. 62
ILL. Kenneth Washington
Wabash No. 77